Your Guide To Storing Furniture In Self-Storage Units

2 April 2024
 Categories: , Blog


If you're a homeowner wrestling with the logistics of furniture storage, you might be considering renting a self-storage unit. They offer an organized and secure solution, ensuring your furniture is sheltered and accessible should you need it. However, the key to successful storage resides in your preparation process. With some foresight, you can protect your furniture.

Measure Twice, Store Once

Begin your storage quest with a comprehensive audit of the space you have and how it aligns with the dimensions of your furnishings. An accurate assessment ensures you're not left with no room for your furniture. Always measure your largest pieces first and plan the unit arrangement around them.

Disassemble and Conquer

Bulkiness can be a barrier to easy entry. Removing legs, bulging end tables, and anything that can be taken apart not only saves space but also simplifies the moving process. Tape screws and bolts to the respective furniture pieces or, better yet, place them in a labeled ziplock for seamless reassembly.

Drape and Protect

Once in the self-storage unit, the rules change. Dust and debris will become unwelcome guests to your once pristine upholstery. Cover your furniture with tarps and breathable materials like cloth to allow for air circulation, thus preventing humidity and dampness from setting in. Bubble wrap or moving blankets provide an extra layer of protection for delicate surfaces.

Climate Controls and Packing

Next up, consider climate control. Extreme temperatures can warp wood and sensitive finishes. Ensure your self-storage unit is equipped with the means to maintain a controlled environment. Remember to pack in a way that heavier items are on the bottom and light, fragile ones are on top, minimizing the possibility of them getting crushed under pressure.

Elevate and Label

Never place your furniture directly on the unit floor. A stack of wooden pallets serves as a barrier against potential spillage from adjacent units or creeping insects. Labeling your items, while an obvious point, is often overlooked in the chaos of a move. Clearly mark the contents of every box and wrap so that any retrieval is swift and simple.

Routine Check-ins

Out of sight should not mean out of mind. Visit your unit periodically, ensuring that your belongings are as you left them. Rotating the position of objects reduces the occurrence of flat spots that can develop on the undersides of furniture.

In conclusion, self-storage is more than just stowing away your goods. It's an exercise in planning, execution, and caution. Contact a company like StorSafe Storage for more information.